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What is YOUR concept of God?

Genial Senior

We all do our daily prayers in the morning or evening, or at any other time we find suitable to concentrate our minds.

Some of us just say a few lines in praise of God. Some do more elaborate acts. Some do it loudly, some quietly internally.

Some offer prayers for seeking some desires. Some just do it as an aid to concentrate the mind, reining in any tendency of the thoughts to scatter out of control.

In all this, how do you conceptualise the God you are praying to?

Possibly, we view the God as a personality having the shape of a human being: just that, He has superhuman powers. He has His abode in the Heaven which is imagined as a cushy place we all are rewarded with after our death, when we are certified as deserving of entry there.

The God Himself is imagined variously as draped in white clothes or as having multiple arms bearing different implements and/or adorned in garlands of exotic flowers and attended by crowds of devoted servants and devotees. Other embellishments may include vehicles of devine animals or birds having magical powers of flight and fight. Some religions use symbols like Fire to represent God, some even prohibit any physical symbols to aid mental concentration other than prayers.

There are also some who offer prayers to celestial objects like the Sun, the Moon and other planets.

In all this crowded field, does God have a favourite religion? Does God view my religion as His favoured one and others' belief systems sub-par, to be frowned upon?

Does our God fight the Gods of other religions and vanquish them?

Does God require His devotees to constantly pray to Him, praise Him? Would He disown those who neglect to rouse themselves into a frenzy while regarding Him?

So, how realistic are these concepts of God: a rewarding and punishingGod?

Has anyone seen God of their concept in the real world? God is said to have appeared in front of some devotees at various times in the past, but lately, anyone?

It's now time for us to shed some of our more gullible ideas of God and face up to the REAL picture of God as He is in the light of 21st Century knowledge.

This God will be seen in an unbiased examination to be a real powerhouse, transcending religious divides and not playing favourites with anyone seen to be from a belief system different from that we subscribe to.

He wouldn't be God if He were to play favourites!

Read more about the modern concept of God in ...., yes, The God Concept!

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